Career Assessment

Specialized for High School and College Students and Individuals in Career Transitions

Reveal your optimal career paths today and succeed academically, financially, and professionally!


Join the millions of others who have benefited from the wowiDirect difference.

Begin Your Journey

By taking the wowiDirect, you are taking the first step to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and how you fit into the diverse world of occupations. This assessment will empower you to create a clear, strategic plan and seize control of your career development.

Achieve Success

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According to an internal study at Arizona State University, university students who took this assessment experienced an impressive average improvement of 0.23 grade points in the following semester and a remarkable 0.31 improvement over one year.

See how wowiDirect compares

Comprehensive career report

Integrates career interests, work styles, and knowledge in one assessment

Career matches tailored specifically to you

Career matches indicates Bright Outlook occupations

Direct links to Department of Labor (DOL) websites for easy career exploration

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Until this past year, I still only had a vague idea of what I would end up doing, and I knew the clock was ticking. The wowiDirect helped me narrow my career choices by providing me with a comprehensive list of jobs, some of which I had already identified and some that I had never even considered before.

—Michelle Le

A Major Dilemma

Did you know that 80% of college-bound individuals are undecided when it comes to declaring a major? Even more surprising, over half of those who declare a major change it, often two or three times during their college years.

Action Plan

Instead of feeling lost, try reversing the process and working from the end goal backward. Discover the careers that genuinely excite you. Dig deep into the programs of study required for those fields. Then, confidently declare your major based on your findings. This approach will empower you to move forward with certainty and passion.

Get started today!

Let’s address the obvious difference between our assessment and some of the others. We are not free, but the breadth and depth of the information the wowiDirect provides so exceeds anything you will find in other tests, especially the free tests.

Our scientifically developed assessment costs $49.95 (about what you’d spend on a week-end night out with your friends) and helps you identify, plan for and pursue a satisfying career.