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Helping others by providing specialized information and services.
Applying research methods and statistics to solve theoretical and applied problems in the physical, life, and social sciences.
Using the principles of engineering and physics for the design of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes, and services.
Collecting, analyzing, advising, and making decisions based on a variety of data sources.
Controlling, directing, and organizing the work of others in a wide range of settings.
Integrating personal expression and art concepts, techniques, and processes to develop works which elicit an emotional or aesthetic response.
Compiling, recording, communicating, computing, copying, and otherwise organizing information for others.
Interacting with and influencing others in favor of certain products, services, or ideas.
Helping individuals with their personal wants and needs.
Working out-of-doors which may include contact with plant or animal life.
Hammering, sawing, pouring, drilling, troweling, and lifting materials.
Repairing, replacing, tinkering, fixing, and performing tune-ups.
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